Why are Female-Focused Therapeutics So Important?: Mindshifting Moments

Host Margaret Williamson is back with another opportunity to shift your mind.

This time around, she’s joined by Olivia Mannix, the Founder, and CEO of Felicity Pharma.

Meet Olivia Mannix

Olivia is an award-winning entrepreneur and cannabis & psychedelics business pioneer. Olivia is the intuitive leader of marketing and the business revolution. She founded one of the first ancillary cannabis companies, Cannabrand in 2013. Being the innovator behind the movement to destigmatize cannabis and psychedelics, she recognized these opportunities long before they were widely accepted. She has founded several other companies including a tech SaS platform and sales application. She founded the first female psychedelics biotech company for women’s health: Felicity Pharma, and is one of the only women CEOs in this space. Olivia has been recognized by Forbes, PRWeek’s Top 50 Innovators, Adweek’s Young Influentials and is a contributor to Adweek and Rolling Stone.

To RSVP for this event, fill out the form below or register on YouTube and LinkedIn or https://psychedelicinvest.com/why-are-female-focused-therapeutics-so-important-mindshifting-moments-13/.

Credits: https://psychedelicinvest.com/why-are-female-focused-therapeutics-so-important-mindshifting-moments-13/

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